> Einstellungs-Nr.
> Einstellungs-Nr.

Einstellungs-Nr. 133

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Costume Details
Eria and Tu -- our brown pareus, pants
fashion, fern wreaths.

Teaiere -- our brown pareus, pants
fashion, no wreath.
"...pair of hands keeps adding to a great inviting row of clams
already arranged on banana leaf."

Man Eria sits on rise of ground back of pile of empty pahua shells..
shore and sea in b.g. Eria faces camera right. In his right hand
he holds short knife. Round wooden bowl on ground beside him
toward camera. Back of pile of empty shells before him is a
higher pile of unopened pahua shells. Some feet feet before him
to camera right sits boy Tu facing camera left. In front of Tu
is flat basket lined with leaves and ferns, on which are opened
pahuas. Another leaf-lined basket is in front of him, containing
more unopened pahuas. A third leaf-lined basket with empty
pahuas is in front of this. At Tu's left knee (toward camera)
is round wooden bowl containing water. At camera right of this
bowl is a pile of unopened pahuas. In his left hand Tu has a
short knife.
Eria and Tu open shells from pile with knives, throws shells
on piles and wash meat in bowls, and then put in baskets.
Teaiere runs in from camera right and takes out first basket
(nearest Eria) and runs out with it same way he came in. Tu
moves other basket back replacing the one taken away and he
and Eria go on opening and washing pahuas.
Der Verfasser des Typoskripts lässt sich nicht ermitteln. Den Angaben im Feld No. of Takes, Lens No. und Footage ist zu entnehmen, dass die Einstellung mit zwei Kameras aufgenommen wurde.
Script Clerk's report
Paginierung Deutsche Kinemathek
No. of Takes
1, NG, NG - Flaherty
(1) X, (2) X, (3) X, (4) X - Wilky
Scene No.
Close Up
Lens No.
Wilky, 2" - Flaherty, 4"
About 50 ft. on each take.
25. Oktober 1929