> Take No.
126C RT
> Take No.
X-129C RT
> Take No.
X-129C RT

Take No. X-129C RT

|<        576    577    578   ...   738        >|
Costume Details
[?] V - Marquesan [?] cloak
+ pareu
[?] >< Anna
camera (shooting direction)
They sit on mat
Close up of Anna crying in her mother's lap
she raises her head looks at her mother, sobbing,
then looks up toward camera right. *
(Reverse angle from X-129B - Anna's back is
toward camera - mother sits with side to camera.)
* In takes 1-2 3+4 Anna looks up toward camera right.
In takes 5 + 6 Anna looks up toward camera left.
Crosby std @ 251'
Takes 1 + 2 slated together
Test @ 380'
Anna: Marquesan pareu
double shell head band
no flowers
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. The descriptions in the Action field cannot be attributed to a specific author. The sketch in the Costume Details field shows the position of the actors to the camera. The authorship of the drawing cannot be cleared attributed.
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Scene No.
X-129C RT
Lens No.
284 | 319 | 347 | 380 || 28 | 54
Motutapu back of [?] hut
March 15 1930