Einstellungs-Nr. 126
Costume Details
Man Patrice: our brown pareu, pants
fashion, leaf wreath; frangipani
over right ear.
Man Tu: our brown pareu, pants fashion,
no wreath; frangipani over left ear.
"Close shot of man bending over and pulling out taro by the roots.
He gets up and adds his taro to the burden on the already bent
back of another man nearby. This completes the load and the two
move out of picture."
Pool at Fanatea. in f.g. is patch of taro. Near camera left
edge of scene is a little pile of taro roots, root ends toward
camera right. In b.g. is the pool with eflections in it. An
empty coconut leaf basket with opening toward camera lies in front
of pile of taro roots.
Patrice stands facing camera right, back of pile of roots at
camera left. Tu, facing camera, stands with knife in his left
hand near edge of pool, camera right of Patrice. Patrice picks
up some taro roots at his feet and puts them on pile. Tu slashes
off leaves with knife, pulls up roots and throws them on pile.
Patrice picks up pole at his feet and starts digging with it. They
work quickly.
Der Verfasser des Typoskripts lässt sich nicht ermitteln. Die Angabe „Fa’a“ meint „Faa’a Island“. Den Angaben im Feld No. of Takes und Footage ist zu entnehmen, dass die Einstellung mit zwei Kameras aufgenommen wurde.
Script Clerk's report
Paginierung Deutsche Kinemathek
No. of Takes
1 X, 2 X, 3 X
Scene No.
Medium Shot
Lens No.
Wilky: 22, 18, 18
Flaherty: 25, 15, 20
Fanatea. Fa'a district
24. Oktober 1929