Take No. 125A
Costume Details
Boy Tuahine: crown
of short coconut leaves, our brown
pareu, pants fashion, two baskets
of oranges hanging round his neck.
Boy Poero - crown of leaves, our brown
pareu, pants fashion.
Victor - crown of leaves, our brown
pareu, pants fashion.
Teuru - our brown pareu, pants fashion,
over his right ear a frangipani.
Tempo very quick.
"A canoe simply bulging over with its load of fruit is paddled
swiftly along a river by two men."
Canoe (same canoe as in 137A) loaded with fruit on top of leaves,
stern to bow as follows: ripe bananas, 1 basket papayas, 1 melon,
green bananas; high pile of fruit with mangoes at top; oranges,
pineapples; huge pile of oranges; melons; pile of green bananas.
In canoe bow to stern are Poero, Victor and Tuahine, all paddling
hard. (Canoe starts way to camera left, camera pans following it,
left to right.) From opposite bank Teuru launches small white canoe and follows
the other canoe. The paddlers all shout good-naturedly at each other.
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
(1) X (2) X
Scene No.
Medium Shot
Lens No.
65, 50
Props on Set
Papayas, mangoes, avocados
in 10 small coconut leaf baskets;
bananas, pineapples, oranges, coconuts.
October 16 1929