Take No. 123A
Costume Details
Moumou: Our brown pareu, edge on her
right. She wears wig. In hair over
each ear she wears large pink double
hibiscus, leaves under it. Pareu falls
even with her knees. Hair falls over
each shoulder in front of her.
Moe: Our brown pareu, falling some way
below knees; in her hair over right
ear a frangipani.
Two girls in a frangipani tree that is full of blossoms. One
girl holds a basket that is nearly filled with flowers, and the
other plucks in hast more and more flowers and puts them into
the basket.
Moumou stands on parallel camera right, half facing camera,
half facing camera left. Moe stands on lower parallel camera
left facing Moumou, holding a flat basket heaped with frangipani
toward Moumou.
Moumou's right hand grasps a branch of the tree a little below
two clusters of flowers that are level with and just to camera
left of her head.
Moumou plucks flowers quickly and puts them into Moe’s basket.
The author of the typescript cannot be identified. It can be inferred from the details in the fields No. of Takes, Lens No. and Footage that the take was shot with two cameras.
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
1 X, 2 X
Scene No.
Medium Shot
Lens No.
Flaherty 6“
Wilky 5"
Flaherty: 30, 25
Wilky: 25, 27
Props on Set
Frangipani flowers,
flat basket
October 21 1929