Take No. 95
Costume Details
6 old women:
our Samoan pareus (cloaks +
skirts).. hair long, no flowers
anna: Same as in 151, etc
(Samoan pareu, edge behind her right shoulder
Double band shell headband.)
„Med. shot interior of hut. With her back toward camera stands
a girl surrounded and attended by six old women. Between
girls head and camera two of the old women lift up a veil and
put it over her head. [?] the girl [?] another attendant
with a [?] of frangipani thing or coconut [?] like
the flower [?] of Bora Bora. all six women arrange the flower
crown and the girl’s dress. Some of them kneel. all their
faces are upturned and ?? in ?? and sorrow.“
Back [?] of a [?] hut covered with [?] large Samoan [?].
Floor covered with 4 pandanus mats.
2 women Poroi Vahine + [?] stand facing Reri who is
back to camera arranging her [?] hair
kneeling at Reri’s back one old woman [?]
and [?] Vahine. They [?] arrange Reri’s dress
From f. g. camera right old woman [?] Vahine and
[?] walk in holding Samoan pareu cloth between
them. They walk up to Reri + place it over her head
so the large pattern rests right on crown of Reri’s head.
Old woman kneeling at Reri's back: [?]
Old woman standing facing Reri faces to camera. Poroi V. [?]
Old women holding veil: [?]
[?] Timuri
(camera l to r)
Test at end of take 6
In take 6 Anna was slightly oiled.
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. The name "Motutapu" in the Location field stands for "Motu Tapu." The abbreviation " Med. shot" in the Action field stands for "Medium shot."
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
Reri’s Island
No. of Takes
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Scene No.
Medium Shot
Lens No.
30. 30 35. 30 25. 25
Motutapu.. near Murnau's hut
December 21 1929