Take No. 77-8
Costume Details
Taero - Our brown pareus long [?] edge on his left
[?] m wreath. [?]
shark tooth necklets falling in little way
down his back as [?] in front
Capt khaki uniform no need of
[?] Collar [?]
[?] white [?] + blue [?]
[?] cap, angle out a little
to the left
Young men: Our brown pareus pants fashion
m wreaths
Chief double canoe is at [?] stern of schooner (camera in
left b.g.)
5 young men spring over railing [?] at camera left stern of ship to deck.
Then other men climb over rail
They extend their hands over railing + help over Taero.
He looks ahead of him + smiles. Capt comes up to him
from camera right f.g. They shake hands, Capt on
camera left side of [?]. They talk and smile a
moment [?] Capt is puffing a half-smoked cigt. Then Capt
makes a gesture toward camera right. Chief advances
in that direction past camera the young men follow
him on either side. Looking in his direction.
Meanwhille 4 or 5 other canoes with men + women
paddle from camera left toward double canoe.
Crosby std @ 0
Test at 185' (end of take 4)
Print only takes 4, 5, 7
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. The abbreviation "m wreath" in the Costume Details field stands for "metuapua wreath"; "cigt." in the Action field stands for "cigarette."
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
(1) 2 NG (3) | (4) (5) 6 NG (7)
Scene No.
Lens No.
57 | 30 | 45 | 51 | 48 | 26 | 45 |
Moana... (shooting toward sea)
March 6 1930