Take No. 15
Costume Details
Same as in other pool shots
The boys laugh. One of them starts to
climb down. Matahi orders him back.
Matahi then stealthily steps forward and
sits alone on the water cushon + slides
down (Marii [?] in first [?] of fall camera
left. Matahi calls him back [?] himself [?]
slides down the fall.
Matahi [?]
(Matahi’s wreath falls off at fort of slide)
In takes 4, 6, 7 several of Matahi’s
[?] at the pool. Matahi [?]
them back, sits on the bank
+ down he goes.
(Mehao does not appear in the scene).
Crosby's take 1 slated in error as take 13
Take 4 on shot Jan 7
10:45 a.m.
No slate on take 1
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. It can be inferred from the details in the fields No. of Takes and Footage that the first three clapper boards (takes) of the take were simultaneously shot with two cameras.
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
F (1) (2) X, (3) X, (4) (5) X, (6) X, (7) X
C 1, (2) X, (3) X
Scene No.
Medium Shot
Lens No.
6" Crosby + Flaherty
F 55 | 45 | 45 | 40 | 25 | 30 | 30
C 51 | 31 | 37
includes 5' test
Pool above Fautaua
January 6 1930