Einstellungs-Nr. X-166
Costume Details
Matahi our brown pareau apron
fashion hanging diagonally [?]
below left knee.. no wreath,
no anklets.
Roo Our brown pareau cover his sleeping
figure from his feet to just
[?] above waist.
Fade in (from take 2 on)
Roo lies near side wall of hut, back toward wall,
head toward door. His head rests on his
doubled-up right arm.
Matahi comes in from camera left slowly [?] sits near head of the
sleeping Roo [?] caresses him strokes
his hair. Pulls, the pareu over his shoulder. Finally M gets up + walks slowly out
camera left.
(In take 2 Matahi does not walk out - -
ran out of film)
Takes 8 + 9 shot with red filter.
Crosby only std @ 269'
Take no [?] same roll as 162A
Test after take 1 (end of roll) Then [?] of cloud 2/19/30
test @ 200' (end of take 9)
Take 2 on 2/19/30 p.m.
test @ 380' / end of take + end of roll
No slate on take 2 (ran out)
test at 185' (end of take 4)
Die handschriftlichen Beschreibungen und Notizen stammen von David Flaherty. Die Abkürzung „M“ im Feld Action steht für „Matahi“.
Script Clerk's report
Paginierung Deutsche Kinemathek
No. of Takes
(1) 2 (3) (4) 5 NG (6) (7) (8) (9)
Scene No.
Lens No.
2" T1 only | 3"
50 || 70 || 92 | 93 | 33 | 79 | 79 ||
88 | 112
Props on Set
Same as X-163 except [?] is at back parallel
with back wall. near camera left
side of door
Same as [?] X-159-160 etc
19. Februar 1930