> Take No.
1 Retort
> Take No.
1 Retort 5
> Take No.
1 Retort 5

Take No. 1 Retort 5

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[Medium shot. We see the god-like
Grecian figure of Matahi, clad only
in a pareu, standing in the surf
of the reef, holding a fish spear
poised over his head. He holds the
spear this way for some time, as
though aiming at something and
waiting for his chance. Then
suddenly he throws the spear. For
a second or so we see the tenseness
of his face ... “did I hit it?“ Then
over his face comes a proud smile
of satisfaction. Cut to -]
The take "1a Parrot fish is hit," enhanced by hand, is from David Flaherty; the notes "I-X PARROT FISH / SWIMMING" cannot be clearly attributed to a specific author.
Record type
Current continuity
Data Record No.
SDK page number
Shot No.
November 30 1929