> Take No.
> Take No.
> Take No.

Take No. X-125

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[Inside Reri‘s hut. A fish
net hangs from the wall. We
show Reri with her head in her
mother‘s lap, sobbing violently.
Her father sits close by, and at
the other end sit the six old
women from the other island,
looking over toward Reri. Reri‘s
mother, very much moved herself,
strokes Reri‘s hair. The old
father gives a signal to the six
women, that he thinks Reri is now
ready to be taken. The old women
get up, move toward Reri and try
to take her away from her mother‘s
lap. But the moment they touch
Reri she shrinks from them, cling-
ing a thousand times more
desperately to her mother, as
though she could never bear to
leave. The mother, more moved
than ever, bends away down, so
that her head and Reri‘s are
almost together. At a sign from
the mother the old women step
back again.]
Record type
Current continuity
Data Record No.
Page number on paper
SDK page number
Temporary Slate No.
February 21 1930