Take No. X-279
[We fade through to the report of the
policeman again - X-279-C saying that soon
it became apparent that the boy was
not only the best diver on the island,
but from all accounts one of the
greatest divers who has ever lived.
He can go to greater depths than any
man has ever been known to reach; can
stay down longer and brings up more
shell than any three other men.]
They seem to have no idea
of time or money, because
instead of working as all
the others do to earn some
money as if they expected
that God would feed them
they sit around and do the
most foolish things
The handwritten notes on the left, next to the description of the take, are from David Flaherty; the handwritten take number "X-279" between the lines of the description of the take cannot be attributed to a specific author.
Record type
Current continuity
Data Record No.
SDK page number
Shot No.
April 15 1930