Take No. X-206
Costume Details
anna Samoan pareu covering breasts
([?] between breasts.) White
hula skirt. Artificial f.p. stem
[?]-dress. Material of neck
[?] (no shell head band)
Tehare: Hulu skirt, niau wreath ([?]
Marii: Our brown pareu pants - [?]
fashion; f.p. head wreath
(Black drum camera l
Brown drum " l) close together
anna dances in center of "[?]" of sitting
girls, just in front of the two upright + 2 log
drums (same 4 drummers in same [?] relative
positions as [?] same as in shots X-173-6). Back
of the drummers sits a [?] of men + girls, +
back of them on railing of hut sit more men
[?] camera right Tehare [?] in and
dances with anna. (then Marii joins them bending over
railing at camera left [?] of hut
Meanwhile the drummers drum + all the people sing
The man at the rear swing + bare back + [?] as they sing
Expression on anna's face is sad
Crowd wear our brown pareu + head wreath of fern or flowers
Crosby std @ 322' Test @ 375'
Test at 375'
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. The abbreviation "Com Hut" in the Location field stands for "Community Hut."
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
(1) (2) (3) not complete (4) (5) (6)
Scene No.
Lens No.
375 || 54 | 78 | 119 | 171 | 220 |
Com hut - shooting t’ward [toward] main entrance
March 12 1930