> Take No.
> Take No.

Take No. X-180

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Costume Details
at start
anna: Samoan pareau shell head band
f.p. wreath on neck
Rere: Our brown pareu over breasts ([?])
[?] artificial f.p. over right ear.
[?]: Samoan cloak + skirt,
f.p. head wreath
Matahi: Hula skirt, anklet, niau wreath
Reri sits fanning anna looking toward camera right left. [?] behind anna.
Matahi comes in from her right [?] from camera left f.g.
[?] hanging of [?] wreaths on
left arm he carries f.p. wreath (He goes down
in right [?] before anna - places f.p. wreath on her
head - she gazes at him [?]. The whole wreath
[?] on her left ear
Matahi backs out of picture toward camera. Reri
head dropps again. Reri goes on fanning her.
(anna is half turned camera left, hands resting lightly on
mat before her legs which are to camera left of her head
bent down).
Crosby std @ 74'
Stills made
Test at 190' end slate 4
In take 1
[?] sat behind Anna: for take 2 on [?]
as in X-177
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. The abbreviation "Com Hut" in the Location field stands for "Community Hut"; "f.p." in the Action and Costume Details fields stand for "frangipani." The sketch on the left under the handwritten take number in the upper third of the page shows the position of the actors to the camera; the drawing along the lower margin represents Anna seated. The authorship of neither drawing cannot be cleared intentified.
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
1 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Scene No.
Lens No.
24 32 | 28 | 32 | 26 | 30 | 27 | 26 |
Com hut
February 27 1930