Take No. 151A
Costume Details
Girls Chief Taero - Pareu long, shark tooth
necklet, m wreath
Girls who fan chief (Right behind him left to r.)
[?] (our brown pareus,
m wreaths
[?] (our brown pareus
skirts f.p. wreath
[?] m wreath)
Girls who hang flower wreath: Hana, Aharuna
Our brown pareus f.p. wreath
Closer than 151 camera on low parallel.
Visitors advance as before, captain smoking cigarette.
When they reach threshold girls Hana and Aharuna
hang wreaths over necks of guide and captain, then
puts wreath on Anna's head. Then Hana + Aharuna
advance + put wreaths on heads of 6 old women then turn
and follow them as they enter ?? headed by guide +
captain. They walk toward chief who sits on mats near
back of hut facing camera, with girls standing
fanning him. Crowd forming pathway outside door
closes in + stands to follow visitors into hut.
Chief spear [?] lies on mat at his right: blade toward camera
Capt. turned toward camera in
first two shots.
The handwritten descriptions and notes are from David Flaherty. The name "Motutapu" in the Location field stands for "Motu Tapu." The abbreviations "m wreath " and "f.p. wreath" in the Costume Details field stand for "metuapua wreath" and "frangipani wreath."
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
Feast Preparation
No. of Takes
(1) X (2) X (3) X (4) X (5)
Scene No.
Lens No.
55, 50, 45, 50, 50
Motutapu community hut
December 20 1929