Einstellungs-Nr. 77-8
Costume Details
Taero - Our brown pareus long [?] edge on his left
[?] m wreath. [?]
shark tooth necklets falling in little way
down his back as [?] in front
Capt khaki uniform no need of
[?] Collar [?]
[?] white [?] + blue [?]
[?] cap, angle out a little
to the left
Young men: Our brown pareus pants fashion
m wreaths
Chief double canoe is at [?] stern of schooner (camera in
left b.g.)
5 young men spring over railing [?] at camera left stern of ship to deck.
Then other men climb over rail
They extend their hands over railing + help over Taero.
He looks ahead of him + smiles. Capt comes up to him
from camera right f.g. They shake hands, Capt on
camera left side of [?]. They talk and smile a
moment [?] Capt is puffing a half-smoked cigt. Then Capt
makes a gesture toward camera right. Chief advances
in that direction past camera the young men follow
him on either side. Looking in his direction.
Meanwhille 4 or 5 other canoes with men + women
paddle from camera left toward double canoe.
Crosby std @ 0
Test at 185' (end of take 4)
Print only takes 4, 5, 7
Die handschriftlichen Beschreibungen und Notizen stammen von David Flaherty. Die Abkürzung „m wreath“ im Feld Costume Details steht für „metuapua wreath“, „cigt.“ im Feld Action steht für „Cigarette“.
Script Clerk's report
Paginierung Deutsche Kinemathek
No. of Takes
(1) 2 NG (3) | (4) (5) 6 NG (7)
Scene No.
Lens No.
57 | 30 | 45 | 51 | 48 | 26 | 45 |
Moana... (shooting toward sea)
6. März 1930