Take No. 135
"....a regular row of little silver fish, arranged on a ....
A dog like lightning darts in, seizes one of the fish, and
then a hand comes into picture and slaps the dog
as dog runs away. Then the hand goes on arranging the fish,
placing tow or three more in the row."
On banana leaves in four rows parallel to camera are
arranged silver fish, smallest fish in row camera left; last
row to camera right is red fish. Heads of all fish face
camera right; rows are close together so that head of one
row almost touch tails of others.
Hands of boy Tu, in f.g. at camera left, place more little
silver fish in the row camera left. But the dog business
does not happen.
The author of the typescript cannot be identified. It can be inferred from the details in the fields No. of Takes, Lens No. and Footage that the take was shot with two cameras.
Record type
Script Clerk's report
Data Record No.
SDK page number
No. of Takes
NG, (1) X
Scene No.
Close Up
Lens No.
Wilky 2", Flaherty 4"
20, 17
October 25 1929